First, let me just say that I have this enormous fear of heights. Second, and naturally, I hate any activity involving heights. Third, I don't know exactly why I allowed myself to be part of a group, members of which define exciting as being suspended (very) high above the ground. How could something so scary be even near exciting? A different high (pardon the pun) for them, maybe? Oh well, but I couldn't backout no more. You see, we were all going to Danao, Bohol, to experience an adventure.
Everything has been planned, transportation has already been arranged; from Cebu, we were to take a ferry to Tubigon, Bohol, and from there, a hired van was commissioned to take us to Danao. Talk about planning. Aside from being courageous, this group was well organized :).
And so the highly feared anticipated day has arrived. I frightedly We excitedly set our sails for the adventure one early morning in December. Without any sleep and having absolutely no breakfast, I strutted my way to the ferry trying hard not to mind all the baggage strapped over my body. Honestly, though, I felt like a christmas tree, what with all those heavy decorations (baggage) around me! As I was making my way inside the boat, I couldnt help but wonder if I accidentally dropped some rocks inside my bags. Boy, they were heavier than heavy! My baggage must've weighed more than me! Perhaps this was just part of the adventure, so I patiently reminded myself... carry on.. carry on... and I meant it literally.
Star Craft. Photo courtesy of Mr. Ruel Marquez
The boat ride was a breeze. I was actually hoping to catch up on sleep, but all hopes turned to despair. I was too anxious and didn't have the power to order my nerves to calm down. In my silence, I secretly wished for at least one group member to change his/her mind about the adventure; to back out, to lose interest, to just don't participate! I looked at each and every one of my companions hoping to get any reaction, but they were all peacefully napping. Heck! I was the only one conscious!
The two-hour boat ride has concluded, and we finally reached Tubigon! From there, travel time to Danao was expected to be 2 hours or so... Or so I thought! Our driver, who can be likened to Evel Knievel because of his driving tricks skills, was able to take us to Danao in only half the expected time. Lurking on my mind was, "if I could survive his hellish driving, then every adventure in Danao would seem like peanuts..." Hah! Bring it on then!
And so we finally arrived in Danao. I, dizzy from our almost-roller-coaster land trip, and my group mates, all looking excited without a care in the world! Yes, I was excited too! Excited that I was finally going to leave my very heavy bags in the van for the meantime and that I was going to walk straight at last! We all scrambled to the ticket office and inquired about the rides/adventures offered.
Danao Adventure Menu (as of December, 2012):
Wahig River Air Tour (12-15 mins) - 2,200php
Choco Hills Air Tour (45min- 1 hour) - 6,500php
The Plunge - 700php/pax
Suislide - 350 php/pax
SkyRide 250php/pax
Caving (Moderate) - 350php/pax
Caving (Extreme) - 550php/pax
Cliff Rappel - 600php/pax
Root Climb - 400php/pax
River Kayak - 300php/pax
Village Tour - 300php/pax
Off Road Buggy - 700/2pax, 2 Laps,30 mins
River Tubing - 300php/pax
River Trek - 300php/pax
Reading through the menu is not as easy as ordering from your favorite restaurant's menu. At first glance, I wanted to try the Village Tour. But my group mates looked at me like I was some sort of a freak and they were all like, "HUWATTT?!!" Alright, alright. So I told them I was trying the Sky Ride, if only to appease them a bit. I think they were more scared that I was going to drag them with me to the Village Tour, than say, taking The Plunge or doing The Suislide (he he he!)... but Suislide?! Oh don't you just love how this adventure was appropriately named? Kinda makes me think of one's final slide into some bottomless pit... waaaaah!
Sky Ride at Danao Adventure |
The Sky Ride is Danao's version of Tagaytay City's Cable Car ride, which I have proudly conquered some months ago (Ehem!), while the Suislide is commonly known as Zipline in other adventure destinations.
Suislide at Danao Adventure. Photo courtesy of Mr. Ruel Marquez |
My courageous companions, opted for the Sky Ride, Suislide, and the bravest of us all took The Plunge (uhm.. i don't mean getting married). So, what is taking The Plunge like, by Danao Adventure standards? Here you go...
Preparing for The Plunge, Danao Adventure. Photo courtesy of Ruel Marquez |
The Plunge, Danao Adventure. Photo courtesy of Mr. Ruel Marquez |
Not meaning to scare anyone, but if The Plunge doesn't go right, i mean if the cables break off somehow, then you'll land on this flowing stream with very sharp rocks to welcome your fall. Ouch!
The Plunge, Danao Adventure. Photo courtesy of Mr. Ruel Marquez |
But I guess it was really no great threat for my companion. If this picture is any indication of how much she enjoyed The Plunge, then we should all be taking it just like her! She was even snapping a picture of her smiling self with her cellphone! I'm not sure if she was just inherently brave or I'm just a mere scaredy cat... Make that a mere sensible scaredy cat who values her life and would rather die of natural causes. Thank you. hahaha! :D
And so there you have it, the not-so-brave account of my Bohol, Danao Adventure. Given the opportunity, I would like to go back and try the other adventures on their menu (next time, I'm not going to miss The Plunge Village Tour! hahaha!) :-) Go plan your trip and have a great, courageous, fun-filled adventure ahead of you! :D