Sunday, May 6, 2012


       The moon has often been said to stir some romantic feelings within us (ever heard of a lovers' moon :-p ), or to be the cause of natural disasters (tsunamis, tidal waves, earthquakes). Some find a full moon lovely, while others think of it as creepy (imagine a halloween witch on her broomstick flying across the night sky with the full moon as her background hihihi!).  In movies,  a werewolf's transformation is often associated with a full moon;  and this  is just the kind of bad news a vampire doesn't need (har har!).  Thus, a moon can be one's delight, and another's dilemma.

       Our moon, with all  the fuss and attention it frequently gets,  ironically looks rather plain and boring from an earthling's point of view (white with black/gray areas, nothing more).  Be that as it may seem, however, the moon remains a  mystery (alien life-form inhabitants, don't you think?).

       Oh, by the way, if you haven't heard or read yet, we're having a Supermoon tonight! That means that this is when the moon is closest to earth (or perigee); and thus, appears to be at its largest. And since no moon blog would ever be complete without an actual snapshot, I went and took a supermoon picture. So, which side of the supermoon do you see? Is it pleasantly romantic, or halloween-like horrific? :D

supermoon 2012


  1. they say you can make out different images from the moons crater patches...

    (tilt head to right)

    i see a dinosaur!! ^___^

    1. haha! Hello Indistinctive Writer! Thanks for pointing that out and thanks too for dropping by! :D


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